who we are

Whether it's your first time or you've recently become part of the family, we want you to feel at home and welcome as you are.

  • We find these statements in Jesus' prayer found in John 17. The word Jesus uses for "know" in this passages indicates a deep intimacy. Within this simple statement can be found the basis for the great command and commission. 

  • Our vision is to raise up a community of believers who encounter God, get equipped, and live empowered. We owe every person an encounter with God, where they know He exists and loves them intimately, find their true identity, and receive healing. Each believer should get equipped by growing in the Word, through community, and by discovering their destiny. As a result, each person can learn to live an empowered life to demonstrate and expand the Kingdom of Heaven here on earth. 

  • One of the definitions of culture is the set of shared attitudes, values, goals and practices that characterizes an institution or organization. At its very core, culture is who were are, what we do, what we value, how we behave and what we pass on to future generations. This "Kingdom Culture" comes from the Bible and is a description of the values of heaven. These are the values that we are to carry and live out - that disciple nations. Our Kingdom Culture Course will further explain each of these core values in more detail. 

  • Identity

    Goodness of God

    Salvation Creates Joyful Identity

    Responsive to Grace


    Focused on His Presence

    Creating Healthy Family

    God's Word Transforms


    God is Still Speaking

    Jesus Empowers Supernatural Ministry

    His Kingdom is Advancing


    Free and Responsible

    Honor Affirms Value

    Generous Like My Father

    Hope in a Glorious Church

our beliefs

Have a question about our beliefs at Northgate? We would love to connect you to a pastor who can answer any questions about topics you do or don't see in the below information. 

ask us anything

  • We believe there is only one God, the Creator of all things. He has shown Himself to be eternal as three persons in one: God the Father, God the Son (Jesus), and God the Holy Spirit. These three are co-equal, co-existent, and co-eternal.

  • God is love. This was evidenced and demonstrated in the creation story. Humankind was created by God as man and woman in His image and likeness to be in an intimate relationship with Him, to increase and take care of the earth. Although God created us to know and enjoy Him and His creation, He gave us the freedom to choose, as true love cannot force itself on anyone. Humans chose to be self-seeking, independent, and self-willed resulting in hiding and darkness. Because of their disobedience; sin, sickness, suffering, and death universally entered the world. In essence, humans separated themselves from God. 

  • God, in His grace, made a way for anyone to be restored back into relationship and alignment with Him by sending His Son Jesus to earth. He was divinely conceived through Holy Spirit and a virgin named Mary. His ministry included raising up followers, sharing the good news of God’s Kingdom, and demonstrating that Kingdom through miracles, signs, and wonders. Jesus lived a sinless life, yet was rejected as God’s Son, and was ultimately crucified on a cross. This death was not defeat, for in three days He resurrected back to life victorious. 

  • Only by trusting in Jesus and accepting what He did for us on the cross are we made new. The Scriptures tell us that “if you declare with your mouth, ‘Jesus is Lord,’ and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved.” Holy Spirit partners with our new man, allowing our mind and heart to catch up with our new identity in Christ as much loved, adopted children of God, having full access to our inheritance through Him, and receiving eternal life [Romans 10:9].

  • The Holy Spirit is God and His activity can be seen in the Scriptures from the creation story through the book of Revelation. Jesus promised to send the Holy Spirit to every person who accepts Him as their Savior, to live within them and be their helper, guide, counselor, and teacher. Part of the role of the Holy Spirit is to empower every believer to be transformed into the image and likeness of Jesus and to live a holy life. The Scriptures also teach that there is a baptism in the Holy Spirit which empowers us for ministry and enables us to share the good news boldly - with signs, miracles, and wonders.   

  • Because of the new life we have received in Christ, every believer should be baptized in water as an active response to Jesus's heart and instruction. Baptism is the act of being immersed in water, and while it is not a requirement for receiving eternal life, the purpose of baptism is to…

    • declare a believer's identification with the person and message of Christ
    • celebrate publicly the miraculous gift of salvation
    • share in the death, burial, and resurrection of Jesus
    • symbolize the death of our old sinful nature and the beginning of our new life in Christ
  • The Church consists of all who follow and put their faith in Jesus, which is expressed on both a local and global level. Each local church consists of members, which the Bible compares to the parts of a body. Each member is to develop maturity, exercise their God-given gifts (both inside and outside the local church), and make disciples (Jesus followers). Our cities should be blessed because of our sharing and demonstration of the good news, love for all people, expression of unity, and the advancement of God’s Kingdom.

  • The Bible is a unified collection of various types of literature written in a divinely inspired collaboration between God and humans to reveal God's original purpose and redemptive plan for humanity through Jesus. As originally written, it is trustworthy, reliable, and useful for teaching, instruction, sharpening, and transformation. The Holy Spirit has been given to teach us and help us understand and discern the Scriptures. Some portions are given as examples of what to do and not do. Other portions are authoritative for our lives, families, and church. In order to fully understand the Scriptures, it is helpful to read it through the lens of its original context (language, historical, cultural, etc.) and type of literature (narrative, poetry, prophetic, parables, etc.).

  • Through the victorious, redemptive, finished work of Jesus on the cross, we have been given the freedom to live in spiritual victory. By the power of the Holy Spirit, we have authority over the forces of darkness and the ability to overcome the schemes of the enemy. Though we once were enslaved to sin, we are now Saints, not sinners, empowered to do even greater works than Christ himself. In our new identity in Him, we walk in the fullness of God's grace, claiming our freedom, healing, and true identity. We expect to see signs, wonders, and miracles follow as we live out this victorious life in Christ. 

our story

Back in the mid-70’s, there was a mighty move of God on young people called the Jesus People movement. In Central Ohio, there were two separate groups of people gathering called Living Word Fellowship and House of Prayer. Both groups increased as individuals and families hungry to know God began to come. They met in living rooms, basements, storefronts, barns and anywhere they could find enough room. The two ministries merged in 1984 under the leadership of Bill and Amy Stephens. Eventually, the church became Northgate Church. The same passion that drew them together 40 years ago still exists today!

On March 3, 2014, Chris and Laura Stephens were installed as the Senior Leaders of Northgate Church.