Check out the below resources for forms, giving statements, and more! Plus, stay tuned for our new church directory!
Most of these items as well as event registrations, groups, and giving can be found on our Church Center app!
member resources
Check out the below resources for forms, giving statements, and more! Plus, stay tuned for our new church directory!
Most of these items as well as event registrations, groups, and giving can be found on our Church Center app!
Request to use the Northgate facility for a meeting or event
Events & Communications Request
Submit your upcoming Northgate ministry event to be announced (only for events approved by the Lead Team)
New at Northgate or looking for next steps? (you can also request info on baptism, baby dedication, and more!)
Let us know about any maintenance issues in the building
Interested in becoming a family member at Northgate?
Interested in serving on a team at Northgate?
We'd love to hear about what God is doing in your life!
Submit a prayer request
Looking to register for an upcoming event? Visit our events page on our website, or download our Church Center app to view upcoming events and find links to registrations and RSVPs (you can also find the QR Code at the bottom of this page).
Subscribe to our Google Calendar events
Get our weekly TrueNorth eNewsletter to stay up-to-date on events, registrations, and announcements!
Request to join our NG Community Group on Facebook for more ways to connect to other church members (only regular attenders will be accepted into the group)
Have questions? Need giving statements or to update a recurring gift? Email us at for assistance.