new life in Christ

From the beginning, God knew you and desired a relationship with you. As a result of sin, we became separated from Him. However, because of His great love for us, God provided a way back through the sacrifice of His son Jesus, when He died on the cross. The Bible tells us the way to be saved in Romans 10.  

Romans 10:9-10: If you confess with your mouth that Jesus is Lord and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved. For it is by believing in your heart that you are made right with God, and it is by confessing with your mouth that you are saved.  

Once you have made a commitment to follow Jesus, the next step is to tell someone who can help you get a good start in your new life. This could be a parent, mentor, leader or pastor with which you are connected. If you don’t have someone, please contact us at and we can connect you with someone to help you in your journey.

Another step in your journey is to be water baptized. Water baptism is an act of obedience that symbolizes the washing away of our sins and the death of our old sin nature. We generally celebrate baptisms during our worship service and encourage people to invite their family and friends to celebrate with them. 

next steps luncheon

Every few months, we offer a Next Steps Luncheon which is a great opportunity for guests to meet members of our leadership team and learn about the church, its vision, membership, serving, and small groups.

View our events page for info on any upcoming Next Steps Luncheons!

View upcoming events

find family in a lifegroup

Our LifeGroups are vibrant communities, which resemble family and are led by spiritual moms and dads. These groups meet weekly and are fun, life-giving and greenhouses for growth. Most of our groups follow a two-week rotating format that allows for a horizontal focus one week (dinner, sharing God-stories and taking communion together) and a vertical focus the other week (snacks, bible-study, worship, prayer & ministry.) Our groups are always expanding and we are confident that there is a perfect group for you. 

serve on a team

Our Sunday services, various ministries, and special events all have one thing in common: incredible people, like you, make them happen. Our many teams are another fun way to connect and use your unique gifting and talents to serve our growing family. There’s a place for you! 

Serving opportunities include*:

Northgate Kids: have a blast as you share the love of Jesus with our kids.

YouthGroup: help build young disciples for Christ by volunteering for our student ministry. 

Media Team: use your passion for audio, video, livestream, photography and/or graphic design. 

Hospitality Team: welcome our members and guests on Sunday mornings.

Usher Team: serve guests in the sanctuary by finding available seating and helping with offerings and communion.

Security Team: help keep our environment & kids safe.

Worship Team: use your musical gifts to lead our church family in worship. 

Prayer Ministry Team: offering prayer ministry during and after services.

Events Team: help with events - plan, cook, serve, set-up, etc.

Maintenance Team: help keep our facilities running and looking great.

Grounds & Landscaping Team: help keep our property and park looking beautiful.

 *Some opportunities require membership or other prerequisites.

become a family member

Membership isn’t required to attend, thrive or be actively involved at Northgate Church. However, becoming a family member signifies that you feel that God has called you into this family. Being in a healthy family means commitment in relationship, giving to the family (talents, time, giftings, and resources), and receiving from others. 

We also commit to work through issues in a way that honors each member and values the connection in relationship. Being family is simply our commitment to unity and community.

You will learn more about membership when you attend our Next Steps Luncheon. Membership is a prerequisite to serve in some areas.